2021-07-21 18:20:51

Transportation of a disassembled recycling plant from Finland to the Vologda region

Logistics company STELS A organized the transportation of a biofuel combustion plant disassembled from the city of Kiuruvesi (Finland) to the city of Sokol (Vologda region, Russia) by order of the representative office of the Finnish manufacturer of the plant.

The equipment import period was May – July 2021. The total weight of the plant was 200 tons, the cargo consisted of 86 positions, 11 of which were oversized and heavy. The heaviest unit weighed 41 tons, the width and equal height of the largest unit was 435 m.

First, all cargo units were transported from the point of departure to the Finnish port of Kotka, then there were consolidation, after which the plant was sent on one ferry to the port of St. Petersburg, where customs clearance took place, after which all components of the installation were transported to the delivery location.

HARDFOR group of companies also analyzed foreign trade documents and assisted in customs clearance. As a result, all cargo was delivered to its destination on time and in proper condition.

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